Religious and Moral Education


  1. Understanding Christian faith: The main focus is on introducing students to the beliefs of Christianity through biblical stories, the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and Christian ethical perspectives. Rich historical information and explanations are provided to help students gain a comprehensive understanding of the Christian faith.
  2. Integrating Christian faith with life experiences: Inspiring students to integrate their Christian faith with their own life experiences and explore the meaning of Christian faith and ethics for them.
  3. Cultivating a positive worldview: Guiding students to recognize God’s love and redemption, providing them with opportunities to make a decision to believe in Christ, understand their identity and worth, and cultivate a positive worldview.
  4. Reflecting on popular social culture and values: Guiding students to critically reflect on and evaluate popular social culture from the perspective of Christian faith, enabling them to adjust their values and cultivate good character traits such as integrity, respect, responsibility, fairness, care, and civic responsibility.

Objectives for the Year

  1. Optimize teaching to enhance students’ sense of ownership in their learning and cultivate an attitude of longing and pursuing the truth of Christ.
  2. Rethink the curriculum to broaden global perspectives and deepen the meaning of learning.
  3. Implement positive education to foster positive attitudes and live a fulfilling life.
  4. Strengthen collaboration and communication within the subject area to enhance teachers’ instructional effectiveness.

Committee Members

P.W. Yau (Convenor), W.S. Wong, S.C. Chan, L.K. Wong, L.P. Lee

Highlighted Activities

F.1 Benediction Ceremony


F.6 Celebration of Adulthood