School vision and Mission

1. Mission:

Provide whole-person education according to the spirit of Jesus Christ; Nurture abundant lives by teaching the gospel.


2. Beliefs: 

The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is insight. (Proverbs 9:10)

Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. (Proverbs 22:6)


3. We believe:

That each and every student is the love of God and endowed individually. We therefore respect each of them and help them develop their potential to the full.

That through whole-person education on moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual aspects, every student will be able to model on Jesus Christ, to “grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men. “ (Luke 2:52)

That the meaning of life does not lie in material affluence but in the quality of life. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the basis for development of a holistic life:“I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. “(John 10:10)

That education is teaching by word and deed, just as what Jesus Christ did to his disciples.


4. Our expectation for:

(i) Our school:

  •  A place to learn faith, hope and love and to live up to the spirit of Jesus Christ.
  •  Provides a happy, active, progressive and innovative learning environment.
  •  Forms a community in which students, teachers and parents are respectful, help to build each other, and engage in life-long learning.

(ii) Our students:

  • On the basis of biblical teaching, learn the Christian faith, adopt a positive attitude and have an abundant life.
  • Achieve balanced development in moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual aspects.
  • Be self-acceptive, build up confidence, be respectful and responsible.
  • Be independent-minded, develop their own potential, be earnest truth-seekers who possess the ability to reflect and self-improve.
  • Love their family and school, care for the community and environment, know and adapt to the changes of the world, contribute actively to the society and the country.

(iii) Our teachers

  • Know the Christian faith and work with God on education.
  • Identify with our education principles and put them into practice, set a personal example, help students develop healthy personality with love and care.
  • Sustain professionalism, take students as the focus, keep on learning and growing on education.
  • Foster team spirit, encourage one another in a happy working environment, so as to achieve the school’s objectives.

(iv) Our principal

  • Together with the school supervisor, school managers and teaching staff, creates a culture of continuous learning, and lives up to the school’s mission.
  • Fosters a school culture in which the curriculum is developed in such a way to cater for the abilities and attitudes of students, so that each and every student will be taken care of and develop his potential.
  • Leads a personal example together with the teaching staff, through activities of different nature, guides and assists students on balanced physical and social development.
  • Employs strategies effectively on assessment of students’ learning progress, uses data to improve teaching.
  • Places emphasis on life-long learning, makes the school an organization of continuous learning; upgrades his leadership, assists teachers to enhance professionalism, helps students develop inner potential to become lives appreciated by both God and men.

(v) Our parents:

  • Place emphasis on family education, provide a healthy and happy environment for their children to grow.
  • Understand the essence of Christian education, identify with our education philosophy, share the responsibility to nurture their children.
  • Have adequate communication with us, be trusting, caring and supportive of the school’s work.
  • Know the Christian faith, get along with and treat children with love, experience an abundant life.

(vi) Our supervisor:

  • Has a vision on education with great foresight, is committed to carrying out the mission of Christian education, so as to achieve the Church’s education objectives.
  • Willing to take up responsibility as leader of the school, leads the SMC diligently in discharging its duties with concerted effort.
  • Knows the education ordinance well, understands the operation of the SMC, supervises the running of the school to ensure that the objective of providing quality education is met.
  • Be responsible for supervising the Principal, attends to, encourages and supports the Principal and teaching staff, fosters a caring and excelling culture, fulfills the mission of all-round education.

(vii) Our school managers:

  •  Be aspired to Christian education, lead the school in realizing the Church’s education philosophy in line with the school’s principles.
  • Participate actively in school activities, be concerned with the school’s affairs, build up good relationship with the Principal and teachers, work together towards the development of moral, intellectual, physical, social, aesthetic and spiritual aspects among students.
  • Actively participate in drawing up school-based education objectives, which are to be assessed and reviewed annually, so as to establish a long-term development plan for the school.
  • Contribute and capitalize on their talents to give advice and guidance to the school.
  • Mind their personal conduct, receive training on school management, keep on reviewing and updating their knowledge on Christian education philosophy and school management.


5. Fulfilling the mission on education: 

In accordance with the Church’s education philosophy and vision, and to respond to the needs of the society, the Church operates kindergartens, primary schools, secondary schools and skills training schools in different localities. The Church works closely with the schools on spiritual development of students, with a view to fulfilling our philosophy of a balanced approach on providing education and missioning.


 Secondary school stage:

  • Foster a positive philosophy of life. Students should be able to think independently, know right from wrong, and put knowledge into practice.
  • Strengthen students’ analytical ability and judgment, and develop effective use of languages for expression and communication. Students should be eager in the quest for knowledge, be progressive on life and work, so as to lay a sound foundation for life-long learning.
  • Develop students into persons with strong physique, mature mind, healthy sentiment and holistic personality to meet the challenges in life.
  • Develop the attitude and capacity needed for harmonious interpersonal relationship and teamwork. Students should love their family and school, be concerned with the society and the country, and at the same time have the readiness and the capacity for civic participation.
  • Develop students’ ability to appreciate and create, to pursue the goodness and beauty in life.
  • Develop Christian values, so that students are committed to and practise faith for an abundant life.