Curricula & Subjects Offered

STMC School Curriculum

The STMC school curriculum is designed to help students achieve the EDB’s updated seven learning goals and foster lifelong and self-directed learning capabilities among them. STMC whole-school curriculum aims at diversification and specialisation to cater for students’ abilities, interests and learning needs throughout their schooling.




Knowledge is organised in the following eight Key Learning Areas (KLAs):

  • Chinese Language Education
  • English Language Education
  • Mathematics Education
  • Personal, Social and Humanities Education
  • Science Education
  • Technology Education
  • Arts Education
  • Physical Education

Generic Skills

Generic skills are the fundamental skills that help students acquire, construct and apply knowledge in various contexts. They are developed in the learning and teaching of different KLAs/subjects and are transferrable from one learning situation to another.


Basic Skills Thinking Skills Personal and Social Skills
  • Communication Skills
  • Mathematical Skills
  • Information Technology Skills
  • Critical Thinking Skills
  • Creativity
  • Problem Solving Skills
  • Self-management Skills
  • Self-learning Skills
  • Collaboration Skills

Values and attitudes

STMC is to help students go through the stage of adolescence with a solid knowledge foundation, necessary generic skills, most important of all, positive and Christian values and attitudes to prepare them for more specialised studies at the SS level and future career and tertiary development; and to facilitate students’ whole-person development through enriching their life-wide learning experiences.

STMC components of the JS curriculum & Subject period allocation 2022-2023

KLA/Subjects Lessons/6-days Cycle (48 lessons) in each Form
F.1 F.2 F.3
Eng KLA 9 8 9
Maths KLA 7 7 6
Chinese KLA
Chinese 7 8 8
PTH 1 1 0
Chines KLA Total 8 9 8
Chi History 2 2 2.5
History 2 2  2
Geography 2 2 2
Life & Society  1
(Social Institutes & Citizenship)
(Resources Allocation & Business)
(Resources Allocation & Business)
Religious & Moral Education 2 1 1.5
PSHE KLA Total 9 8 10
Science KLA
Integrated Science 5 5 6
Technology KLA
Computer Literacy 2 2 2
STEM 2 2 0
Technology KLA Total 4 4 2
Arts/Aesthetic KLA
Visual Arts 2 2 2
Music 1 2 2
Arts/Aesthetic KLA Total 3 4 4
PE KLA 2 2 2
Across Key learning Areas * 1 1 1
Total 48 48 48

*In the Across Key learning Areas, flexibility is provided for:

  • Values education (including moral and civic education, Basic Law education) and guidance to complement values education across KLAs.
  • At least two lessons per cycle to the study of Chinese History under the PSHE KLA at the JS level.
  • Common reading morning session on Day 4 and Day 6 every cycle.
  • Other cross-curricular activities and broadening learning experiences such as community service, co-curricular activities, Career Week, STEM Week; Self-Regulated lesson on Friday/Day 5 and aesthetic and physical activities to complement life-wide learning.
  • School morning and cyclic assemblies/Class teacher period to complement values education across KLAs

STMC components of the SS curriculum & Subject period allocation 2022-2023

The SS curriculum is made up of three components, namely core subjects, elective subjects and Other Learning Experiences (OLE).

SS Curriculum

4 Core Subjects + 2 or 3 Elective Subjects + Other Learning Experiences (OLE)

  • All STMC students should study the four core subjects, and two or three elective subjects. In addition, all our students are entitled to OLE that includes the five areas of Moral and Civic Education (Religious and Moral Education subject), Aesthetic Development (Music subject) Physical Development (PE subject), Community Service and Career-related Experiences for enhancing students’ whole-person development and widening their horizons.
  • 12 elective subjects(including M1 and M2) have been developed for the STMC SS curriculum based on a balance of interrelated factors, such as content rigour, relevance to students and lateral coherence across the subjects. Students are not narrowly streamed into arts, science, commercial or technical studies as before. On the contrary, they are helped to choose a range of subjects that will develop their interests and abilities and open a number of pathways to further studies and careers.
  • More than 200 subject combinations are provided for students and give students a free choice as far as possible by adopting flexible timetabling arrangements.
  • Applied Learning subjects are also recommended for students who show interest and aspiration to take and study.

Interface between the Junior and Senior Secondary Levels

To promote a smooth interface from JS to SS education, STMC implements curriculum plans or programmes to provide JS students, especially S3 students with:

  • a solid and adequate knowledge base at the JS level spanning across different KLAs for better transition to the SS level;
    academic learning experiences conducive to their optimal selection of elective subjects for SS education;
  • learning and teaching strategies supportive to their study at the SS level;
  • learning experiences for the development of generic skills as well as values and attitudes to conduct more advanced academic learning;
  • life-wide learning experiences to enrich their whole-person development and to widen their exposure to various choices of articulation, including VPET; and
  • counselling and guidance on career and life planning, and issues related to adaptation to academic studies and school life.

Subjects offered and lessons per 6-days cycle:

Subjects F.4 F.5 F.6
English 8 8 6A, C, D: 9
6B: 8
Mathematics 4A, C, D:7
4B: 10
(*4B: 1 after school learn/week)
5A, C, D: 7
5B(M2): 10
(*5B: 1 after-school lesson/week)
6A, C, D: 7
6B (M2 class): 9
(*6B: 1 after-school lesson/week)
Chinese 7 7 7
Citizenship & Social Development Subject (C&S)/ Liberal Studies (LS) 3 3 5
3 Electives (X) subjects 6 @ (6×3=18) 6 @ (6@x3=18) 6 @ (6×3= 18)
OLE: Music Class A, C, D: 1 
Class B: 0
Class A, C, D: 1
Class B: 0
OLE: RME 1 1 1
OLE: PE 2 2 2
OLE: Form Teacher lessons 1 1 1
Total: 4A, C, D: 48 + Up 2 (Reading Across Curriculum) 5A, C, D: 48 + Up 2 (Reading Across Curriculum)
5B: 50
6A, C, D: 50
6B: 51

STMC F.4-F.6 Core Subjects & Elective Subjects (2022-2023)

1. Core/Compulsory subjects/lessons:

  • English Language, Chinese Language, Mathematics Core, Citizen and social Development/Liberal Studies; Music, Religious & Moral Education, PE
  • Form Teachers Lessons/Morning and Cyclic Assemblies

2. Elective subjects:


Class 4A 4B (Maths. M2) 4C 4D
1st Elective Chemistry Physics C. History /Geography
2nd Elective Biology/ Chemistry/ Economics/ C. Literature/ ICT / Mathematics Extended M1
3rd Elective Physics/ BAFS/ Geography/ Biology/ Economics/History
Network-School Scheme DSE Visual Arts, DSE Music


Class 5A 5B (Maths. M2) 5C 5D
1st Elective Chemistry Physics C. History Geography
2nd Elective Biology/ Chemistry/ Economics/ C. Literature/ ICT (Programming)/ Mathematics Extended M1
3rd Elective Physics/ BAFS/ Geography/ Biology/ Economics/ History
Network-School Scheme DSE Visual Arts, Applied Learning


Class 6A 6B (Maths. M2) 6C 6D
1st Elective Chemistry Physics C. History Geography
2nd Elective Biology/ Chemistry/ Economics/ C. Literature/ ICT (Multimedia)
3rd Elective Physics/ BAFS/ Geography/ Biology/ Economics/ICT (Programming)
Network-School Scheme DSE Visual Arts