

The Economics curriculum aims to enable students to:

  1. Develop an interest in exploring human behaviour and social issues through an economic perspective;
  2. Understand the world in which they live through mastery of basic economic knowledge;
  3. Enhance their general intellectual capacity for life-long learning through developing their abilities in economic analysis, so that they possess the skills necessary for reasoning about issues and making rational choices; and
  4. Participate as informed and responsible citizens in the decision-making processes of a modern democratic society.

Objectives for the year

  1. Strengthen students’ learning ownership and unleash learning potential by optimizing teaching and learning pedagogy
  2. Open up global perspectives and deepen learning’s meaning by reimagining the curriculum
  3. Nurture positive attitudes and let students live a flourishing life through positive education
  4. Nurture students’ entrepreneurial spirit

Committee Members

M. Lum (Convenor), S.L. Chu (Member)


Highlighted Activities

1.STMC Fair Trade Campus Sale
It is a cross-subject business experiential activity aiming to nurture students’ entrepreneurial spirit. The planning and organizing of the ‘Fair Trade Campus Sale” are led by students. They take charge of raising capital, choosing the products, placing online purchase orders, contacting suppliers, fixing prices, packaging, designing posters, promotion, selling and making financial statements. Through the activity, the students can apply the economic and BAFS concepts and different generic real-life skills, such as creativity, communication and collaboration skills. The activity also opens up students’ global perspective. They learn about the problems of income inequality and child labour in developing countries.


2.Business competitions
Students can enrich their experience and broaden their horizons. Our students actively participate in different business competitions, such as the HKCC Business Excellence Contest, HK Secondary School Marketing Contest and JA International Trade Challenge – Hong Kong Finals


3.Financial workshops
Through interactive financial workshops, our students learn financial management concepts and skills that benefit them lifelong.


4. Board games
Junior form students learn the concepts of personal finance through board game.