2024 - 2025年度中二至中四插班生學位申請表格[請按此處]
Application Form for 2024 - 2025 F.2 to F.4 Interim Admission [Press Here]
Details of application for F.2 to F.4 interim admission of academic year 2025-2026 are listed as below. F.5 and F.6 places are not open for application.
1. Application period: 3 March 2025 to 6 May 2025
Office hours: (Monday to Friday: 9:00am - 12:00noon & 2:00pm - 4:00pm)
(Saturday: 9:00am -11 :00am)
2. Application method
Applicants may collect the hardcopy of the application form in person or download the softcopy
from the school web site (https://www.stmc.edu.hk). Please return the completed application
form along with the required documents to our school office in person. Late applications or
incomplete information for applications will not be accepted. (by mails, emails and faxes are not
3. Please submit the stapled documents according to the following sequence.
(i) Application form of our school
(ii) Copies of school report cards of the previous two academic years
(iii) Copies of awards and proof of participation in activities
(iv) Copy of Hong Kong Identity Card or Birth Certificate
4. Admission Test
If applicants meet the requirements, our school will notify them by phone to take the written test
and participate in an interview. Please bring along the originals of school report cards and
identity document on the day of the test for verification. Applicants who have not received
notification of the interview from our school by 10 July 2025 may assume that their applications
have been unsuccessful. (There will be no further notice.)
In the event of inclement weather (tropical cyclone/rainstorm warning signals) or if the Education
Bureau announces the suspension of classes, the written test and interview will be rescheduled.
5. Assessment area
Written test: Chinese Language, English Language and Mathematics
Interview: Chinese Language, English Language
6. Selection criteria
Interview performance, written assessment result, academic performances and conduct in
previous two academic years and participation in extra-curricular activities of applicant.
7. Admission quota
The number of admissions depends on the availability of vacancies.
8. Release of results
After completing all written examinations and interviews, the school will promptly notify
successful applicants by phone to proceed with the admission procedures.
1. 申請日期:3/3/2025 - 6/5/2025
辦公時間:(星期一至星期五:上午 9 時至 12 時正,下午 2 時至 4 時)
(星期六:上午 9 時至 11 時)
2. 申請辦法:如欲申請本校插班生學位,可到本校索取申請表或在本校網頁www.stmc.edu.hk下載申請表。請將
3. 申請文件:(i) 已填寫的本校申請表
(ii) 最近兩年之學校成績表副本
(iii) 獎狀及其他活動證明文件之副本
(iv) 香港身份證或出生證明書副本
4. 考試日期:本校會以電話通知初步符合要求之申請人進行筆試及面試。當日請帶同成績表正本及身份證或出生證
5. 考試形式:筆試:中文、英文、數學
6. 取錄準則:本校將根據申請人面試表現、插班生筆試之成績、最近兩年之校內成績、操行及曾參與之課外活動表
7. 取錄名額:視乎空缺數目
8. 公佈取錄結果:本校會致電獲取錄之同學辦理入學手續。